nprnews_____ = ||| lubuntu at wor3|||Census ‘Anomalies’ Could Thwart Trump’s Bid To Alter Next Electoral College||| kickerpage = |||no kicker pagenpr for NPRNEWS||| summarynpr = |||The Census Bureau has found routine irregularities in the 2020 census that require more quality checks, throwing into question whether Trump can receive a key set of numbers before his term ends.

Census 'Anomalies' Could Thwart Trump's Bid To Alter Next Electoral College

A supporter of President-elect Joe Biden holds up a phone displaying the Electoral College map in Philadelphia on Nov. 7.

John Minchillo/AP

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John Minchillo/AP


Census ‘Anomalies’ Could Thwart Trump’s Bid To Alter Next Electoral College

The Census Bureau has found routine irregularities in the 2020 census that require more quality checks, throwing into question whether Trump can receive a key set of numbers before his term ends.

How Trump Officials Cut The 2020 Census Short Amid The Pandemic

Can President-Elect Biden Redo The 2020 Census? It’s Complicated

pbsnewhour__ = ||| lubuntu at wor3|||California imposes overnight curfew to stem coronavirus (NEWSHOUR)|||Brexit trade negotiations suspended because of COVID-19 case (LATEST)|||||| kickerpage = |||no kicker page for PBSNewhour

Nov 19

California imposes overnight curfew to stem coronavirus

By Don Thompson, Associated Press

CNN3: ‘”}, “chartbeat”:{“sections”:””}, “branding_content_page”:”default”, “branding_content_zone”:[“default”, “branding_content_container”:”default”, “cnn-money-markets”, “space-and-science”, “cnn-heroes-hp”, “branding_content_card”:””} , edition: “domestic” , sourceId: “‘]BANNER=|pagerendered| ((lubuntu at wor3))

|| Biden discusses Covid response with bipartisan group of governors ||”},”chartbeat”:{“sections”:””},”branding_content_page”:”default”,”branding_content_zone”:[“default”],”branding_content_container”:[“default”,”cnn-money-markets”,”space-and-science”,”cnn-heroes-hp”],”branding_content_card”:[“”]} , edition: “domestic” , sourceId: ”

CNN2: subjectpartBANNER=|=”banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size–char-47″ data-analytics=”_list-hierarchical-xs_article_”>Biden discusses Covid response with bipartisan group of governors| ((lubuntu at wor3)))

|| Biden discusses Covid response with bipartisan group of governors ||=”banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size–char-47″ data-analytics=”_list-hierarchical-xs_article_”>Biden discusses Covid response with bipartisan group of governors

FN: [[UNHAPPY HOLIDAYS]] Medical leaders urge Americans to ' scale back' plans as CDC says stay home</a ((lubuntu at wor3))

=”“>Medical leaders urge Americans to ‘scale back’ plans as CDC says stay home

BH: Turley: Biden campaign should let court hear election allegations ((billhemmer________)) ((lubuntu at wor3))

=”//″>Turley: Biden campaign should let court hear election allegations

Giuliani claims to have evidence to overturn election result Fox News contributor reacts on ‘Bill Hemmer Reports’

nprnews_____ = ||| lubuntu at wor3|||’Anomalies’ Found In Census Could Thwart Trump’s Bid To Alter Electoral College||| kickerpage = |||no kicker pagenpr for NPRNEWS||| summarynpr = |||The Census Bureau has found routine irregularities in the 2020 census that require more quality checks, throwing into question whether Trump can receive a key set of numbers before his term ends.

'Anomalies' Found In Census Could Thwart Trump's Bid To Alter Electoral College

A supporter of President-elect Joe Biden holds up a phone displaying the Electoral College map in Philadelphia on Nov. 7.

John Minchillo/AP

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John Minchillo/AP


‘Anomalies’ Found In Census Could Thwart Trump’s Bid To Alter Electoral College

The Census Bureau has found routine irregularities in the 2020 census that require more quality checks, throwing into question whether Trump can receive a key set of numbers before his term ends.

Can President-Elect Biden Redo The 2020 Census? It’s Complicated

How Trump Officials Cut The 2020 Census Short Amid The Pandemic

DB: Giuliani’s voter fraud claims ‘light on facts’, ‘not true’: Fisher ((dailybriefing_____)) ((lubuntu at wor3))

=”//″>Giuliani’s voter fraud claims ‘light on facts’, ‘not true’: Fisher

Fox News correspondent says Trump attorney made ‘bold and baseless’ election fraud claims on ‘The Daily Briefing’

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pbsnewhour__ = ||| lubuntu at wor3|||Trump’ s firing of top election security official unsettles lawmakers (NEWSHOUR)|||Trump’ s firing of top election security official unsettles lawmakers (LATEST)|||||| kickerpage = |||no kicker page for PBSNewhour

Nov 19

Trump’s firing of top election security official unsettles lawmakers

By Courtney Norris

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